Get a good night's sleep before your exams
Getting a good night's sleep before your exams is key to your success. While it may be tempting to try and cram for your exam the night before, your body needs rest in order to perform its best. A good night's sleep not only helps your brain stay focused and alert but it also helps your body stay healthy. Many studies have shown that those who get regular restful sleep have improved memory retention and cognitive functioning, making it easier for them to identify important information and remember it for the test. Therefore, if you want to be prepared for your upcoming exams, make sure that you are getting at least eight hours of rest each night leading up to the day of your exam - your performance will thank you!

Eat breakfast to help you focus and concentrate
Eating breakfast each day is a great way to fuel your brain, helping you stay focused and concentrate better. Rich in protein, carbs and other nutrients, breakfast gives your body the energy and fuel it needs to perform at its best. Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast typically have an easier time staying alert and paying attention than those who skip it. In addition to helping with concentration, including a nutritious breakfast regularly in your diet can also bolster cognitive function and overall health. Start your day off right with fuel for your body and mind, so you can stay focused throughout the day!
Create a study schedule and stick to it
Establishing an effective study schedule is essential for success in any educational endeavour. Working out what time of day you are most productive and setting specific time frames can be highly beneficial in increasing focus, motivation and organisation. Sticking to the schedule you create by staying disciplined and setting reminders can be incredibly useful; these will be your tools to success! Creating a study schedule will ultimately be well worth it, as it allows you to be more organised and increase your productivity.

Take breaks every 40 minutes or so to avoid burnout.
Taking regular breaks throughout the day is a great way to avoid burnout. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, pause for a few moments to refresh and reset. Whenever possible, plan for a break roughly every 40 minutes as a way of managing your energy levels and preventing fatigue. Breaks can be short or long—introducing some movement into your day, listening to calming music, or even just taking deep breaths can help ward off burnout and avoid being overwhelmed by difficult tasks. By investing in regular break times throughout the day, you can ensure that you’re staying productive while allowing yourself time to recharge and reset.
Study with friends or in a group to stay motivated.
For those looking to stay motivated in studying, consider forming a study group. Making use of collective intelligence and shared motivation, study groups are great for tackling complex problems and ideas that you may be struggling with on your own. Additionally, studying with friends or in a group is an excellent way to stay social and connected during this time of virtual learning. By making use of technology like Zoom or Google Meet, students are able to collaborate with one another in the virtual classroom much like the physical one. Studying collectively not only increases motivation but also allows students to develop better critical thinking and problem-solving skills while having some fun and learning together.

Reward yourself after each exam or test you take.
Taking exams and tests can be challenging, so it's important to give yourself a treat after each one that you take. Finding something small to reward yourself with is an excellent way to boost morale and give your brain the time and energy it needs to recuperate following a test or exam. It can be anything from enjoying a delicious cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop, reading an interesting book, or treating yourself with your favorite dessert - give yourself something that makes you feel good! With this type of reward system in place, you'll be motivated to keep reaching for academic success.
Taking these steps to ensure you're rested, well-fed, and have a solid plan for studying will help increase your chances of success come exam time. And while it's tempting to try and cram everything in at the last minute, resist the urge – studies have shown that students who spread out their study time perform better than those who don't. So give yourself a break, enjoy some down time before exams, and know that you've done everything you can to set yourself up for success. Good luck!